Monday, June 21, 2010

birthday party

Sin boon's birthday party^^

3 couples inside the photo...

Girls group photo... me, shen, yuyu, yi yong and the birthday girl=)

everyone in red eyes... the effect of camera @@

My dear and his previous friends...

Last saturday, I went to sin boon's birthday party~ My dear and I reached there around 10++pm~ I think many friends had left the party because it's quite late already...
I saw my previous lovely friends ( Lee shen, Leyee, Yang & Mao )... Didn't meet them for a long time... Obviously miss them a lot~ Take some photos with them as a memory although I look ugly because I'm sweating...>< I'm the ugliest in the world~ haha=D

Oh ya!! Let me share a photo here^^
Nice view rite?? They are promoting Yiyong's breast on the kancil... Guess how big is her cup?? Should ask both of them because they experienced it!! haha=p
Like this photo a lot~~

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